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Middletown USD

Expectations and Performance Empower Success

Special Education

Special Education Department

Welcome to the Special Education Department



Special Education

California provides specially designed instruction, at no cost to parents, to meet the unique needs of children with disabilities. This instruction is provided in a variety of settings that allow infants and families, preschoolers, students, and young adults to be educated with their peers as much as possible; that is, in the least restrictive environment (LRE). Special education services are available in a variety of settings, including day-care settings, preschool, regular classrooms, classrooms that emphasize specially designed instruction, in the community, and the work environment (California Department of Education website).  

The disability categories include the following: intellectual disabilities, speech or language impairment, visual impairment, emotional disturbance, orthopedic impairment, other health impairment, specific learning disability, deafness, hard of hearing, deaf-blindness, multiple disabilities, autism, traumatic brain injury.



Striving for excellence in education

What is an Individualized Education Plan?

An Individualized Education Plan (or Program) is also known as an IEP. This is a plan or program developed to ensure that a child with an identified disability who is attending an elementary or secondary educational institution receives specialized instruction and related services. The IEP is developed by a team of individuals from various educational disciplines, the child with a disability, family members, and/or designated advocates.

An IEP typically includes the following:

  • The involvement and progress of the child with a disability in the general curriculum.
  • All related services for which the child qualifies.
  • Appropriate educational accommodations necessary for the child to be successful.
  • The child's present levels of educational performance.
  • Measurable annual goals and objectives for the child's education.

Middletown Special Education Team


Here are your dedicated team of educators


Tamara Slaight, Director of Special Education:

Sonja Jensen, Special Education Program Manager:

MHS – Allison Smith, Special Education Teacher:

MHS – Mark Hillman, Special Education Teacher:

MCE & Cobb – Ana Llamas, Special Education Teacher:

CVE – Jules Stout, Special Education Teacher:

CVE – Julia Franklin, Special Education Teacher:

CVE – Jennifer Santiago, Special Education Teacher:

District – Jessica Pickens, School Psychologist:

District – Breanne Tacy, School Psychologist:

District – Rona Isherwood, Speech Therapist:

CVE –  Stephanie Garris, Speech Therapist:

District – Brianna Baisch, Occupational Therapist: