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JUNE 8, 2024-AUGUST 1, 2024


Failure to complete all steps may forfeit your ability to use facilities.


Important Information:

Please review the the Facility Use procedures.

Please note that facilities will not be booked unless all insurance and fees are taken care of.

Facility Use

The Middletown Unified School District welcomes community groups and organizations to use our school facilities for meetings and events. This page is intended to help you with that process.

Usage fees vary according to the type of space and user group classification. Spaces available include gymnasiums, multi-purpose rooms, cafeterias, and playfields.

Interested organizations or community members may download the facility use application and apply NO LESS THAN 2 WEEKS PRIOR to the event date. Please follow the below steps to apply for the use of a MUSD facility.

Use of Facilities Applicant Instructions

Step 1: Application

  • Complete an Application and Agreement for Use of Facilities form

  • Facility Use Application by site (listed below)

  • List specific requests for set-up, equipment, or services

  • If you are requesting the use of more then one location you will need to complete the process for each location.

  • Indicate if special arrangements are needed

  • Enter estimated hours

  • Sign and date application

Note: A blank Application and Agreement for Use of Facilities form is available at any MUSD school site or District Office.

Step 2: Approval from Site Administrator

  • Return the completed application to the site secretary of the requested facility for approval and signature of the site administrator.

  • Once your application has been approved by the site with an authorized site signature, application will be forwarded onto the District Office.

  • Once insurance and fees are received documents will be sent to Director of MOT for final approval and scheduling. If necessary keys will be checked out at this time.

  • The Secretary of MOT will make contact the applicant for calendaring.



How to Obtain a Certificate of Liability Insurance, Additional Insured Endorsement

Prior to use of the facility, applicant at their expense shall procure and maintain insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property which may arise from or in connection with the applicants operation and use of the premises and/or facilities.

Certificate Holder:

Middletown Unified School District
20932 Big Canyon Road
Middletown, CA 95461

  • Seasonal Sports/Recreation Leagues, Sober Grad Organizations, or Private Events with 500+ attendees: Minimum limit of $2,000,000 each occurrence / $2,000,000 general aggregate.

  • Year Round Sports/Recreation Leagues: Minimum limit of $5,000,000 each occurrence / $5,000,000 general aggregate

  • Additional Insured Endorsement: This is a separate form attached to the certificate. The endorsement must name Middletown Unified School District, it’s elected or appointed officials, employees, agents and volunteers as Additional Insured (or Additional Covered Party) under the general liability policy. Forms CG 2026 or CG 2011 or equivalent required. For purposes of the CG 2011 only, this Agreement shall be deemed to be a lease. Blanket Additional Insured forms are acceptable when accompanied with an approved Facility Use Agreement.

  • Evidence of Primary Insurance (either by endorsement or the actual page(s) of the policy typically found in the “Other Insurance” section of policy): Applicants insurance shall be primary insurance as respects to Middletown Unified School District, it’s elected or appointed officials, employees, agents and volunteers. Any insurance or self-insurance maintained by Middletown Unified School District, its elected or appointed officials, employees, agents and volunteers shall be excess and shall not contribute with it.

District Processing

  • District will review application to ensure the required site signature and insurance documents are in compliance.

  • Once all forms have been received.

  • District will process an invoice for associated usage fees.

Certificates of Insurance may be emailed to or mailed to:

Middletown Unified School District
Attn: Janel Woodruff
20932 Big Canyon Road
Middletown, CA 95461

When can I use the Facilities?

  • After the Director of MOT has determined that the application is complete, insurance received and fees are paid, instructions for facility access will be provided to you.

How do I pay my fees?

An invoice will be emailed to you directly from the business department. Fees are to be paid upon approval of application:

Middletown Unified School District
20932 Big Canyon Road
Middletown, CA 95461

Please note that facilities will not be booked unless all insurance and fees are taken care of.