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Middletown USD

Expectations and Performance Empower Success



Name of Form:

What Form Should I Choose:

Request for Staffing

Request for a position to be posted due to new position or staff replacement.

Personnel Action Form

To be completed when hiring a new staff member or a change in assignment for a current staff member. NOT FOR COACH OR STIPEND

Permission to Participate

Permission slips to send to parents.

Spanish Permission to Participate

Spanish permission slips to send to parents.

Request for Extra Duty

Pre-approval form for extra duty/extra time need to complete a task or project

Special Ed Transportation Waiver-Spanish

Special Ed transportation waiver-Spanish

Special Ed Transportation Waiver

Special Ed transportation waiver

Oath and Affirmation

This is a document to be completed at the time of hire. Required document.

Clearance to Drive Personal Vehicle

This form needs to be completed each year to clear your vehicle for student transportation.

Classified Employee Evaluation

Form to use for Classified Evaluation. Once it is completed you will need to print, review and have employee sign. 

Hold Harmless Form

This form must accompany a facilities request for outside entities.

Substitute Sick Leave Request

Classified and certificated subs use this form to request available sick leave.

Worker's Comp  

Cobb Mtn Elementary


Event Support Request-CME

Request for Facilities to set up, take down, clean up before and after events.

Field Trip Application-CME

Application/ Transportation request is filled out by Teacher in Charge

Personnel Action Form (Stipend)

Use this form when submitting a staff member to the board to receive a stipend.

Request to Attend a Conference Use this form to request to attend a conference.

Coyote Valley Elementary


Name of Form:

What Form Should I Choose:

Event Support Request-CVE

Request for Facilities to set up, take down, clean up before and after events.

Field Trip Application -CVE

Application/ Transportation request is filled out by Teacher in Charge

Personnel Action Form (Stipend)

Use this form when submitting a staff member to the board to receive a stipend.

Request to Attend a Conference Use this form to request to attend a conference

Minnie Cannon Elementary


Name of Form:

What Form Should I Choose:

Event Support Request-MCE

Request for Facilities to set up, take down, clean up before and after events.

Field Trip Application-MCE

Application/ Transportation request is filled out by Teacher in Charge

Facility Use Application - MCE

Application for use of the campus

Personnel Action Form (Stipend)

Use this form when submitting a staff member to the board to receive a stipend.

Request to Attend a Conference Use this form to request to attend a conference.

Middletown Middle School


Name of Form:

What Form Should I Choose:

Event Support Request-MMS

Request for Facilities to set up, take down, clean up before and after events.

Field Trip Application-MMS

Application/ Transportation request is filled out by Teacher in Charge

Personnel Action Form (Stipend or Coach)-MMS

Use this form when you are hiring a coach or selecting a staff member for a stipend.

Coach Stipend Request

This form is to be used when a coach has completed the season, turned in all equipment and is ready to be paid.

Employee Stipend Request

This form is to be used when the employee has completed their extra duty assignment.

Request to Attend a Conference Use this form to attend a conference

Middletown High School



Name of Form:

What Form Should I Choose:

Event Support Request-MHS

Request for Facilities to set up, take down, clean up before and after events.

Field Trip Application-MHS

Application/Transportation request is filled out by Teacher in Charge

Personnel Action Form (Stipend or Coach)- MHS

Use this form when you are hiring a coach or selecting a staff member for a stipend.

Coach Stipend Request-MHS

Use this form to request stipend to be paid after season is completed and equipment is turned in.

Employee Stipend Request Form-MHS

Use this form when requesting a stipend to paid after the extra duty is completed. 

Request to Attend a Conference - MHS

Use this form to request to attend a conference.